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Items starting with T

Alberdi A, Garin I, Aizpurua O, Aihartza JR . 2012 . The Foraging Ecology of the Mountain Long-Eared Bat Plecotus macrobullaris Revealed with DNA Mini-Barcodes . PLoS ONE , 7(4) : e35692 Show Details
Bitzer, R.J. eta Shaw, K.C . 1979 . Territorial behavior of the Red Admiral, Vanessa atalanta (L.) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) . Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera , 18 : 36-49 Show Details
Boulenger GA . 1897 . The tailless batrachians of Europe. Part I . Ray Society . London Show Details
Brown LH, Urban E, Newman K . 1982 . The Birds of Africa, Vol. 1 . Academic Press . London Show Details
Buckton S, Brewin P, Lewis A, Stevens P, Ormerod S . 1998 . The distribution of dippers, Cinclus cinclus (L.), in the acid-sensitive region of Wales 1984–95 . Freshwater Biology , 39 : 387-396 Show Details
Buehler P . 1996 . Taxonomic status of the large-headed water shrew (Neomys fodiens niethammeri Buehler, 1963) from Spain and selection of a neotype . Bonner Zoologische Beitrage , 46 : 307-314 Show Details
Bustamante, J. . 1994 . The postfledging dependence period of the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Southwestern Spain . Journal of Raptor Research , 28 : 158-163 Show Details
Carlson A . 2000 . The effect of habitat loss on a deciduous forest specialist species: the White-backed Woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotos) . Forest Ecology and Management , 131 : 215-221 Show Details
Corbet G.B . 1978 . The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region: A Taxonomic Review, British Museum (Natural History) . Cornell University Press, London and Ithaca, NY ,: Show Details
Corbet G.B., Harris S. . 1991 . The Handbook of British Mammals . The Mammal Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications . Oxford Show Details
Corbet GB, Harris S . 1991 . The Handbook of British Mammals . The Mammal Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications . Oxford Show Details
Cramp S, Perrins CM . 1993 . The Birds of the Western Paleartic 7 . Oxford University Press . Oxford Show Details
Cramp S . 1985 . The Birds of the Western Palearctic . Oxford University Press . Oxford Show Details
Davles NB, Hartley IR, Hatchwell BJ, Desrochers A, Skeer J, Nebel D . 1995 . The polygynandrous mating system of the alpine accentor Prunella collaris I. Ecological causes and reproductive conflicts . Animal Behaviour , 49 : 769-788 Show Details
de Paz O . 1984 . The distribution of the genus Plecotus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Isles . Mammalia , 48(4) : 585-592 Show Details

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