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Items starting with O

.. owlpages .
.. owlpages .
Ayres C, Álvarez A . 2008 . On the presence of Placobdella sp. leeches on Emys orbicularis . Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis , 8 : 53-55 Show Details
Barahona, F . 1996 . Osteología craneal de lacértidos de la Península Ibérica e Islas Canarias: análisis sistemático filogenético . Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Autónoma . Madrid Show Details
Crespo E.G. . 1974 . Observations sur l'influence de la temperature, en conditions expérimentales, sur le cycle spermatogenetique de Rana iberica Boul . Estudos sobre a Fauna Portuguesa , 2 : 1-10 Show Details
König C, Weick F . 2009 . Owls of the World. 2nd edition . Yale University Press . Show Details
Laferre M. . 1970 . Observations érpetologiques . Riv. Sicient. , 1970 : 89-90 Show Details
Lynch W . 2007 . Owls of the United States and Canada. A Complete Guide to Their Biology and Behaviour . The Johs Hopkin University Press . Show Details
Pérez de Ana, J. M . 1995-1996 . Observaciones de quirópteros en Álava y Vizcaya . Est. Mus. Cien. Nat. de Álava , 10-11 : 327-328 Show Details
Plumb WJ . 1965 . Observations on the breeding biology of the Razorbill . British Birds , 58 : 449-456 Show Details
Sproston NG . 1948 . On the genus Dinobothrium van Beneden (Cestoda), with a description of two new species from sharks, and a note on Monorygma sp. from the electric ray . Parasitology , 39 : 73-90 Show Details

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